The Delhi (Delegation Of Powers) Act, 1964

The Delhi (Delegation Of Powers) Act, 1964


[Act No. 23 OF 1964]

[16th June, 1964]

An Act to provide for the delegation of certain powers vested in the Administrator of the Union territory of Delhi.

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Fifteenth Year of the Republic of India as follows :–

2. Definitions.

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,–

(a) “Administrator” means the Administrator of Delhi appointed by the President under article 239 of the Constitution;

(b) “Chief Secretary” means the Chief Secretary of the Delhi Administration;

(c) “Delhi” means the Union territory of Delhi;

(d) “District Judge” means the District Judge, Delhi, and includes an Additional District Judge, Delhi.

3. Delegations of powers, etc., vested in Administrator under certain laws.

(1) Any power, authority or jurisdiction or any duty which the Administrator may exercise or discharge by or under the provisions of any enactment mentioned in column 1 of the Schedule may be exercised or discharge also–

(a) By any officer or authority mentioned in relation thereto in column 2 of the said Schedule;

(b) By such other officer or authority as may be specified in this behalf by the Central Government by notification in the Official Gazette.

(2) The Administrator may transfer any appeal or application for revision or any other matter pending before him for disposal to an officer or other authority competent under sub-section (1) to dispose of the same.

(3) The Administrator may withdraw for disposal by himself any appeal or application for revision or any other matter pending before an officer or other authority competent under sub-section (1) to dispose of the same.



(See section 3)

Name of enactment Provisions vesting powers Officer or authority who in the Administrator may also exercise the powers

1. The Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887 Sections 13 and 16 Chief Secretary. (Punjab Act 17 of 1887), as in force in Delhi.

2. The United Provinces Land Revenue, Sections 210 and 219 Chief Secretary. Act, 1901 (United Provinces Act 3 of 1901), as in force in Delhi.

3. The Bengal Finance (Sales Tax) Act, Sections 20(3) District Judge. 1941 (Bengal Act 6 of 1941), as in force in Delhi.

4. The Delhi Land Revenue Act, 1954 Sections 64, 66 and 72 Chief Secretary. (Delhi Act 12 of 1954).

5. Slum Areas (Improvement and Section 20 Chief Secretary. Clearance) Act, 1956 (96 of 1956).


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