The Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970

The Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970


Chapter I – Preliminary

Section 1. Short title, extent and commencement

(ACT No. 48 of 1970)

(1) This Act may be called the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.

(2) It extends to the whole of India.

(3) It shall come into force in a State on such date 1 as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint in this behalf for such State, and different dates may be appointed for different States and for different provisions of this Act.

Section 2. Definitions

(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,

(a) “approved institution” means a teaching institution, health center or hospital recognised by a University or Board as an institution in which a person may undergo the training, if any, required by his course of study before the award of any medical qualification to him;

(b) “Board” means a Board, Council, Examining Body or Faculty of Indian Medicine (by whatever name called) constituted by the State Government under any law for the time being in force regulating the award of medical qualifications in, and registration of practitioners of, Indian medicine;

(c) “Central Council” means the Central Council of Indian Medicine constituted under section 3;

(d) “Central Register of Indian Medicine” means the register maintained by the Central Council under this Act.

(e) “Indian Medicine” means the system of Indian medicine commonly known as Ashtang Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani Tibb whether supplemented or not by such modern advances as the Central Council may declare by notification from time to time.

* ‘(ea) “medical college” means a college of Indian medicine, whether known as such or by any other name, in which a person may undergo a course of study or training including any post-graduate course of study or training which will qualify him for the award of a recognized medical qualification;’.

(f) “medical institution” means any institution within or without India, which grants degrees, diploma or licenses in Indian medicine.

( g) “prescribed” means prescribed by regulation;

(h) “recognised medical qualification” means any of the medical qualifications, including Post-graduate medical qualification, of Indian medicine included in the Second, Third or Fourth Schedule;

(i) “regulation” means a regulation made under section 36;

(j) “State Register of Indian Medicine” means a register or registers maintained under any law for the time being in force in any State regulating the registration of practitioners of Indian Medicine;

(k) “University” means any university in India established by law and having a Faculty of Indian Medicine and includes a University in India established by law in which instruction, teaching, training or research in Indian medicine is provided.

(2) Any reference in this Act to a law which is not in force in the State of Jammu and Kashmir shall, in relation to that State, be construed as a reference to the corresponding law, if any, in force in that State.


* Amended by Sl.No. 62 dated 7/11/2003

1. Provisions of Ss. 2, 13, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36 came into force in the whole of India and provisions of Ss. 3, 5 to 12 (both inclusive) and 14 to 16 (both inclusive) came into force in all the States (except the State of Nagaland) and in the Union territory of Delhi on the 15th August, 1971, see Notification No. S. O. 2994 dated 10-8-1971, Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Sec. 3(ii), p.2571.

Provisions of Ss. 17 and 23 to 31 (both inclusive) came into force in the whole of India w.e.f. 1-10-1976, see Notification No. S. O. 626 (E), dated 10-9-1976, Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Sec. 3(ii), p.1845.

Provisions of S. 4 came into force in the whole of India w.e.f. 7-11-1983 see Notification No. S. O. 816(E), dated 17-11-1983, Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Sec. 3 (ii).

Chapter II – The Central Council and its Committees

Section 3. Constitution of Central Council

(1) The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette constitute for the purposes of this Act a Central Council consisting of the following members, namely:-

(a) such number of members not exceeding five as may be determined by the Central Government in accordance with the provisions of the First Schedule for each of the Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani systems of medicine from each State in which a State Register of Indian Medicine is maintained, to be elected from amongst themselves by persons enrolled on that Register as practitioners of Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani, as the case may be;

(b) one member for each of the Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani systems of medicine from each University to be elected from amongst themselves by the members of the Faculty or Department (by whatever name called) of the respective system of medicine of that University;

(c) such number of members, not exceeding thirty per cent of the total number of members elected under clauses (a) and (b), as may be nominated by the Central Government, from amongst persons having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of Indian medicine:

Provided that until members are elected under clause (a) or clause (b) in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder, the Central Government shall nominate such number of members, being persons qualified to be chosen as such under the said clause (a) or clause (b), as the case may be, as that Government thinks fit; and references to elected members in this Act shall be construed as including references to members so nominated.

(2) The President of the Central Council shall be elected by the members of the Central Council from amongst themselves in such manner as may be prescribed.

(3) There shall be a Vice-President for each of the Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani systems of medicine who shall be elected from amongst themselves by members representing that system of medicine, elected under clause (a) or clause (b) of sub-section (1) or nominated under clause (c) of that sub-section.

Section 4. Mode of Election

(1) An election under clause (a) or clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 3 shall be conducted by the Central Government in accordance with such rules as may be made by it in this behalf.
(2) Where any dispute arises regarding any election to the Central Council, it shall be referred to the Central Government whose decision shall be final.

Section 5. Restriction on Elections and Membership

(1) No person shall be eligible for election to the Central Council unless he possesses any of the medical qualifications included in the Second, Third or Fourth Schedule, is enrolled on any State Register of Indian medicine and resides in the State concerned.

(2) No person may at the same time serve as a member in more than one capacity.

Section 6. Incorporation of Central Council

The Central Council shall be a body corporate by the name of Central Council of Indian Medicine having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable, and immovable and to contract, and shall by the said name sue and be sued.

Section 7. Term of office of President, Vice-President and members of Central Council

(1) The President, a Vice-President or a member of the Central Council shall hold office for a term of five years from the date of his election or nomination, as the case may be, or until his successor shall have been duly elected or nominated, whichever is longer.

(2) An elected or nominated member shall be deemed to have vacated his seat if he is absent without excuse, sufficient in the opinion of the Central Council, from three consecutive ordinary meetings of the Central Council or, in the case of a member elected under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 3, if he ceases to be enrolled on the concerned State Register of Indian Medicine, or in the case of a member elected under clause (b) of that sub-section, if he ceases to be a member of the faculty or Department (by whatever name called) of Indian Medicine of the University concerned.

(3) A casual vacancy in the Central Council shall be filled by election or nomination, as the case may be, and the person elected or nominated to fill the vacancy shall hold office only for the remainder of the term for which the member whose place he takes was elected or nominated.

(4) Members of the Central Council shall be eligible for re-election or re-nomination.

(5) Where the said term of five years is about to expire in respect of any member, a successor may be elected or nominated at any time within three months before the said term expires but he shall not assume office until the said term has expired.

Section 8. Meetings of Central Council

(1) The Central Council shall meet at least once in each year at such time and place as may be appointed by the Central Council.
(2) Unless otherwise prescribed, one-third of the total number of members of the Central Council shall form a quorum and all the acts of the Central Council shall be decided by a majority of the members present and voting:-

Provided that no decision of the Central Council in relation to any Indian medicine, shall be effective unless three members representing Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani system of medicine, as the case may be, are present at the meeting and support the decision.

Section 9. Committees for Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani

(1) The Central Council shall constitute from amongst its members, –

a) a committee for Ayurveda

b) a committee for Siddha and

c) a committee for Unani,

and each such committee shall consist of members elected under clause (a) or clause (b) or nominated under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 3 representing the Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani system of medicine, as the case may be.

(2) The Vice-President for each of the Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani systems of medicine elected under sub-section (3) of section 3 shall be, respectively, the Chairman of the committees referred to in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of sub-section (1).

(3) Subject to such general or special directions as the Central Council may from time to time give, each such committee shall be competent to deal with any matter relating to Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani system of medicine, as the case may be, within the competence of the Central Council.

Section 10. Other Committees

The Central Council may constitute from amongst its members such other committees for general or special purposes, as the Central Council deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.

Section 11. Meetings of Committees

(1) The committees constituted under section 9 and 10 shall meet at least once in each year at such time and place as may be appointed by the Central Council.

(2) Unless otherwise prescribed, one-third of the total number of members of a committee shall form a quorum, and all the acts of the committee shall be decided by a majority of the members present and voting.

Section 12. Officers and other employees of Central Council

The Central Council shall –

(a) appoint a Registrar who shall act as Secretary and who may also, if deemed expedient, act as Treasurer;

(b) employ such other persons as it deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act;

(c) require and take from the Registrar, or from any other employee, such security for the due performance of his duties as the Central Council deems necessary; and

(d) with the previous sanction of the Central Government, fix the remuneration and allowances to be paid to the President, Vice-President and members of the Central Council and to the Members of the committees thereof and determine the conditions of service of the employees of the Central Council.

Section 13. Vacancies in the Central Council and committees thereof not to invalidate acts, etc.

No act or proceeding of the Central Council or any committee thereof shall be called in question on the ground merely of the existence of any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of, the Central Council or the committee, as the case may be.

Chapter II A – Permission for New Medical College, Course, etc

Section 13 A. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any other law for the time being in force

(a) no person shall establish a medical college; or

(b) no medical college shall-

(i) open a new or higher course of study or training, including a post-graduate course of study or training, which would enable students of such course or training to qualify himself for the award of any recognised medical qualification; or

(ii) increase its admission capacity in any course of study or training including a post-graduate course of study or training. except with the previous permission of the Central Government obtained in accordance with the provisions of this section.

Explanation 1. – For the purposes of this section, “person” includes any University or a trust, but does not include the Central Government.

Explanation 2. – For the purposes of this section, “admission capacity”, in relation to any course of study or training, including post-graduate course of study or training, in a medical college, means the maximum number of students as may be fixed by the Central Government from time to time for being admitted to such course or training.

(2) Every person or medical college shall, for the purpose of obtaining permission under sub-section (1), submit to the Central Government a scheme in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (3) and the Central Government shall refer the scheme to the Central Council for its recommendations.

(3) The scheme referred to in sub-section (2), shall be in such form and contain such particulars and be preferred in such manner and accompanied with such fees, as may be prescribed.

(4) On receipt of a scheme from the Central Government under sub-section (2), the Central Council may obtain such other particulars as may be considered necessary by it from the person or medical college concerned, and thereafter, it may-

(a) if the scheme is defective and does not contain necessary particulars, give a reasonable opportunity to the person or medical college concerned for making a written representation and it shall be open to such person or medical college to rectify the defects, if any, specified by the Central Council;

(b) consider the scheme, having regard to the factors referred to in sub-section (8) and submit it to the Central Government together with its recommendations thereon within a period not exceeding six months from the date of receipt of the reference from the Central Government.

(5) The Central Government may, after considering the scheme and recommendation of the Central Council under sub-section (4) and after obtaining, where necessary, such other particulars as may be considered necessary by it from the person or college concerned and having regard to the factors referred to in sub-section (8), either approve the scheme with such conditions, if any, as it may consider necessary or disapprove the scheme and any such approval shall constitute as a permission under sub-section (1) :

Provided that no scheme shall be disapproved by the Central Government except after giving the person or medical college concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard:

Provided further that nothing in this sub-section shall prevent any person or medical college whose scheme has not been approved by the Central Government to submit a fresh scheme and the provision of this section shall apply to such scheme, as if such scheme had been submitted for the first time under sub-section (2).

(6) Where, within a period of one year from the date of submission of the scheme to the Central Government under sub-section (2), no order is communicated by the Central Government to the person or medical college submitting the scheme, such scheme shall be deemed to have been approved by the Central Government in the form in which it was submitted, and, accordingly, the permission of the Central Government required under sub-section (I) shall also be deemed to have been granted.

(7) In computing the time-limit specified in sub-section (6), the time taken by the person or medical college concerned submitting the scheme, in furnishing any particulars called for by the Central Council, or by the Central Government shall be excluded.

(8) The Central Council while making its recommendations under clause (b) of sub¬section (4) and the Central Government while passing an order, either approving or disapproving the scheme under sub-section (5), shall have due regard to the following factors, namely:-

(a) whether the proposed medical college or the existing medical college seeking to open a new or higher course of study or training, would be in a position to offer the minimum standards of medical education as prescribed by the Central Council under section 22;

(b) whether the person seeking to establish a medical college or the existing medical college seeking to Open a new or higher course of study or training or to increase its admission capacity has adequate financial resources;

(c) whether necessary facilities in respect of staff, equipment, accommodation, training, hospital or other facilities to ensure proper functioning of the medical college or conducting the new course of study or training or accommodating the increased admission capacity have been provided or would be provided within the time-limit specified in the scheme;

(d) whether adequate hospital facilities, having regard to the number of students likely to attend such medical college or course of study or training or the increased admission capacity have been provided or would be provided within the time-limit specified in the scheme;

(e) whether any arrangement has been made or programme drawn to impart proper training to students likely to attend such medical college or the course of study or training by persons having recognised medical qualifications;

(f) the requirement of manpower in the field of practice of Indian medicine in the college;

(g) any other factors as may be prescribed.

(9) Where the Central Government passes an order either approving or disapproving a scheme under this section, a copy of the order shall be communicated to the person or medical college concerned.

Non-recognition of medical qualification in certain cases. 13B. (1) Where any medical college is established without the previous permission of the Central Government in accordance with the provisions of section 13 A, medical qualification granted to any student of such medical college shall not be deemed to be a recognised medical qualification for the purposes of this Act.

(2) Where any medical college opens a new or higher course of study or training including a post-graduate course of study or training without the previous permission of the Central Government in accordance with the provisions of section 13A, medical qualification granted to any student of such medical college on the basis of such study or training shall not be deemed to be a recognised medical qualification for the purposes of this Act.

(3) Where any medical college increases its admission capacity in any course of study or training without the previous permission of the Central Government in accordance with the provisions of section 13A, medical qualification granted to any student of such medical college on the basis of the increase in its admission capacity shall not be deemed to be a recognised medical qualification for the purposes of this Act.’.

Time for seeking permission for certain existing medical colleges.

13C.(1) If person has established a medical college or any medical college has opened a new or higher course of study or training or increased the admission capacity on or before the commencement of the Indian Medicine Central Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2003, such person or medical college, as the case may be, shall seek, within a period of three years from the said commencement, permission of the Central Government in accordance with the provisions of section 13A.

(2) If any person or medical college, as the case may be, fails to seek permission under sub-section (1), the provisions of section 13B shall apply, so far as as may be, as if, permission of the Central Government under section 13A has been refused’.

Chapter III – Recognition of Medical Qualifications

Section 14. Recognition of medical qualifications granted by certain medical institutions in India

(1) The medical qualifications granted by any University, Board or other medical institutions in India which are included in the Second Schedule shall be recognised medical qualifications for the purposes of this Act.

(2) Any University, Board or other medical institution in India which grants a medical qualification not included in the Second Schedule may apply to the Central Government to have any such qualification recognised, and the Central Government, after consulting the Central Council, may, by notification in the Official Gazette, amend the Second Schedule so as to include such qualification therein, and any such notification may also direct that an entry shall be made in the last column of the Second Schedule against such medical qualification declaring that it shall be recognised medical qualification only when granted after a specified date.

Section 15. Recognition of medical qualifications granted by certain medical institutions whose qualifications are not included in Second Schedule

The medical qualifications included in the Third Schedule granted to a citizen of India before the 15th day of August, 1947, by any medical institution in any area which was comprised before that date within India as defined in the Government of India Act, 1935, shall also be recognised medical qualifications for the purposes of this Act.

Section 16. Recognition of medical qualifications granted by medical institutions in countries with which there is a scheme of reciprocity

(1) The medical qualifications granted by medical institutions outside India which are included in the Fourth Schedule shall be recognised medical qualifications for the purposes of this Act.

(2) The Central Council may enter into negotiations with the authority in any State or country outside India, which, by law of such State or country is entrusted with the maintenance of a Register of practitioners of Indian medicine, for the settling of a scheme of reciprocity for the recognition of medical qualifications in Indian medicine, and in pursuance of any such scheme, the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, amend the Fourth Schedule so as to include therein any medical qualification which the Central Council has decided should be recognised, and any such notification may also direct that an entry shall be made in the last column of the Fourth Schedule against such medical qualification declaring that it shall be recognised medical qualification only when granted after a specified date.

Section 17. Rights of persons possessing qualifications included in Second, Third and Fourth Schedules to be enrolled

(1) Subject to the other provisions contained in this Act, any medical qualification included in the Second, Third or Fourth Schedule shall be sufficient qualification for enrolment on any State Register of Indian Medicine.

(2) Save as provided in section 28, no person other than a practitioner of Indian medicine who possesses a recognised medical qualification and is enrolled on a State Register or the Central Register of Indian Medicine, –

(a) shall hold office as Vaid, Siddha, Hakim or physician or any other office (by whatever designation called) in Government or in any institution maintained by a local or other authority;

(b) shall practice Indian medicine in any State;

(c) shall be entitled to sign or authenticate a medical or fitness certificate or any other certificate required by any law to be signed or authenticated by a duly qualified medical practitioner;

(d) shall be entitled to give evidence at any inquest or in any court of law as an expert under section 45 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872) on any matter relating to Indian medicine.

(3) Nothing contained in sub-section (2) shall affect, –

(a) the right of a practitioner of Indian Medicine enrolled on a State Register of Indian Medicine to practise Indian medicine in any State merely on the ground that, on the commencement of this Act, he does not possess a recognised medical qualification;

(b) the privileges (including the right to practise any system of medicine) conferred by or under any law relating to registration of practitioners of Indian medicine for the time being in force in any State on a practitioner of Indian Medicine enrolled on a State Register of Indian medicine;

(c) the right of a person to practise Indian medicine in a State in which, on the commencement of this Act, a State Register of Indian Medicine is not maintained if, on such commencement, he has been practising Indian medicine for not less than five years;

(d) the rights conferred by or under the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) [including the right to practise medicine as defined in clause (f) of section 2 of the said Act], on persons possessing any qualifications included in the Schedules to the said Act.

(4) Any person who acts in contravention of any provision of sub-section (2) shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both.

Section 18. Power to require information as to courses of study and examination

Every University, Board or medical institution in India which grants a recognised medical qualification shall furnish such information as the Central Council may, from time to time, require as to the courses of study and examinations to be undergone in order to obtain such qualification, as to the ages at which such courses of study and examinations are required to be undergone and such qualification is conferred and generally as to the requisites for obtaining such qualification.

Section 19. Inspectors at examinations

(1) The Central Council shall appoint such number of medical inspectors as it may deem requisite to inspect any medical college, hospital or other institution where education in Indian medicine is given, or to attend any examination held by any University, Board or medical institution for the purpose of recommending to the Central Government recognition of medical qualifications granted by that University, Board or medical institution.

(2) The medical inspectors shall not interfere with the conduct of any training or examination, but shall report to the Central Council on the adequacy of the standards of education including staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities prescribed for giving education in Indian medicine or on the sufficiency of every examination which they attend.

(3) The Central Council shall forward a copy of any such report to the University, Board or medical institution concerned, and shall also forward a copy with the remarks of the University, Board or medical institution thereon, to the Central Government.

Section 20. Visitors at examinations

(1) The Central Council may appoint such number of visitors as it may deem requisite to inspect any medical college, hospital or other institution where education in Indian medicine is given or to attend any examination for the purpose of granting recognised medical qualifications.

(2) Any person, whether he is a member of the Central Council or not, may be appointed as a visitor under this section but a person who is appointed as an inspector under Section 19 for any inspection or examination shall not be appointed as a visitor for the same inspection or examination.

(3) The visitors shall not interfere with the conduct of any training or examination, but shall report to the President of the Central Council on the adequacy of the standards of education including staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities prescribed for giving education in Indian medicine or on the sufficiency of every examination which they attend.

(4) The report of a visitor shall be treated as confidential unless in any particular case the President of the Central Council otherwise directs:

Provided that if the Central Government requires a copy of the report of a visitor, the Central Council shall furnish the same.

Section 21. Withdrawal of recognition

(1) When upon report by the inspector or the visitor, it appears to the Central Council

(a) that the courses of study and examination to be undergone in, or the proficiency required from candidates at any examination held by, any University, Board or medical institution, or

(b) that the staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities for instruction and training provided in such University, Board or medical institution or in any college or other institution affiliated to the University.
do not conform to the standard prescribed by the Central Council the Central Council shall make a representation to that effect to the Central Government.

(2) After considering such representation, the Central Government may send it to the Government of the State in which the University, Board or medical institution is situated and the State Government shall forward it along with such remarks as it may choose to make to the University, Board or medical institution, with an intimation of the period within which the University, Board or medical institution may submit its explanation to the State Government.

(3) On the receipt of the explanation or, where no explanation is submitted within the period fixed, then, on the expiry of that period, the State Government shall make its recommendations to the Central Government.

(4) The Central Government, after making such further inquiry, if any, as it may think fit, may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that an entry shall be made in the appropriate Schedule against the said medical qualification declaring that it shall be a recognised medical qualification only when granted before a specified date, or that the said medical qualification if granted to students of a specified college or institution affiliated to any University shall be recognised medical qualification only when granted before a specified date or, as the case may be, that the said medical qualification shall be recognised medical qualification in relation to a specified college or institution affiliated to any University only when granted after a specified date.

Section 22. Minimum standards of education in Indian medicine

(1) The Central Council may prescribe the minimum standards of education in Indian medicine,required for granting recognised medical qualifications by Universities, Boards or medical institutions in India.

(2) Copies of the draft regulations and of all subsequent amendments thereof shall be furnished by the Central Council to all State Governments and the Central Council shall, before submitting the regulations or any amendment thereof, as the case may be, to the Central Government for sanction, take into consideration the comments of any State Government received within three months from the furnishing of the copies as aforesaid.

(3) Each of the committees referred to in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of sub-section (1) of Section 9 shall, from time to time, report to the Central Council on the efficacy of the regulations and may recommend to the Central Council such amendments thereof as it may think fit.

Chapter IV – The Central Register of Indian Medicine

Section 23. The Central Register of Indian Medicine

(1) The Central Council shall cause to be maintained in the prescribed manner, a register of practitioners in separate part for each of the system of Indian medicine to be known as the Central Register of Indian Medicine which shall contain the names of all persons who are for the time being enrolled on any State Register of Indian Medicine and who possess any of the recognised medical qualifications.

(2) It shall be the duty of the Registrar of the Central Council to keep and maintain the Central Register of Indian Medicine in accordance with the provisions of this Act and of any orders made by the Central Council, and from time to time to revise the register and publish it in the Gazette of India and in such other manner as may be prescribed.

(3) Such register shall be deemed to be a public document within the meaning of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872) and may be proved by a copy published in the gazette of India.

Section 24. Supply of copies of State Register of Indian Medicine

Each Board shall supply to the Central Council three printed copies of the State Register of Indian Medicine as soon as may be after the commencement of this Act and subsequently after the first day of April of each year, and each Board shall inform the Central Council without delay of all additions to and other amendments in the State Register of Indian Medicine made from time to time.

Section 25. Registration in the Central Register of Indian Medicine

The Registrar of the Central Council may on receipt of the report of registration of a person in a State Register of Indian Medicine or on application made in the prescribed manner by any person, enter his name in the Central Register of Indian Medicine, provided that the Registrar is satisfied that the person concerned is eligible under this Act for such registration.

Section 26. Professional conduct

(1) The Central Council may prescribe standards of professional conduct and etiquette and a code of ethics for practitioners of Indian medicine.
(2) Regulations made by the Central Council under sub-section (1) may specify which violations thereof shall constitute infamous conduct in any professional respect, that is to say, professional misconduct, and such provision shall have effect notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force.

Section 27. Removal of names from the Central Register of Indian Medicine

(1) If the name of any person enrolled on a State Register of Indian Medicine is removed therefrom in pursuance of any power conferred by or under any law relating to registration of practitioners of Indian medicine for the time being in force in any State, the Central Council shall direct the removal of the name of such person from the Central Register of Indian Medicine.

(2) Where the name of any person has been removed from a State Register of Indian Medicine on any ground other than that he is not possessed of the requisite medical qualifications or where any application by the said person for restoration of his name to the State Register of Indian Medicine has been rejected, he may appeal in the prescribed manner and subject to such conditions, including conditions as to the payment of a fee, as may be prescribed, to the Central Government whose decision, which shall be given after consulting the Central Council, shall be binding on the State Government and on the authorities concerned with the preparation of the State Register of Indian Medicine.

Section 28. Provisional registration for practice

If the course of study to be undergone for obtaining a recognised medical qualification in Indian Medicine include a period of training after a person has passed the qualifying examination and before such qualification is conferred on him, any such person shall, on application made by him in this behalf, be granted provisional registration in a State Register of Indian medicine by the Board concerned in order to enable him to practice Indian Medicine in an approved institution for the purpose of such training and for no other purpose for the period aforesaid.

Section 29. Privileges of persons who are enrolled on the Central Register of Indian Medicine

Subject to the conditions and restrictions laid down in this Act regarding practice of Indian medicine by persons possessing certain recognised medical qualifications, every person whose name is for the time being borne on the Central Register of Indian Medicine shall be entitled according to his qualification to practice Indian medicine in any part of India and to recover in due course of law in respect of such practice any expenses, charges in respect of medicaments or other appliances or any fees to which he may be entitled.

Section 30. Registration of additional qualifications

(1) If any person whose name is entered in the Central Register of Indian medicine obtains any title, diploma or other qualifications for proficiency in Indian medicine which is a recognised medical qualification, he shall, on application made in this behalf in the prescribed manner, be entitled to have an entry stating such other title, diploma or other qualification made against his name in the Central Register of Indian Medicine either in substitution for or in addition to any entry previously made.

(2) The entries in respect of any such person in a State Register of Indian medicine shall be altered in accordance with the alterations made in the Central Register of Indian Medicine.

Section 31. Persons enrolled on Central Register of Indian Medicine to notify change of place of residence and practice

Every person registered in the Central Register of Indian Medicine shall notify any transfer of the place of his residence or practice to the Central Council and to the Board concerned, within ninety days of such transfer, failing which his right to participate in the election of members to the Central Council or a Board shall be liable to be forfeited by order of the Central Government either permanently or for such period as may be specified therein.

Chapter V – Miscellaneous

Section 32. Information to be furnished by Central Council and publication thereof

(1) The Central Council shall furnish such reports, copies of its minutes, abstracts of its accounts, and other information to the Central Government as that Government may require.

(2) The Central Government may publish in such manner, as it may think fit, any report, copy, abstract or other information furnished to it under this section or under section 20.

Section 33. Commission of inquiry

(1) Whenever it is made to appear to the Central Government that the Central Council is not complying with any of the provisions of this Act, the Central Government may refer the particulars of the complaint to a commission of inquiry consisting of three persons, two of whom shall be appointed by the Central Government, one being a Judge of a High Court, and one by the Central Council, and such commission shall proceed to inquire in a summary manner and to report to the Central Government as to the truth of the matters charged in the complaint, and in case of any charge of default or of improper action being found by the commission to have been established, the commission shall recommend the remedies, if any, which are in its opinion necessary.

(2) The Central Government may require the Central Council to adopt the remedies so recommended within such time as, having regard to the report of the commission, it may think fit, and if the Central Council fails to comply with any such requirement, the Central Government may amend the regulations of the Central Council, or make such provision or order or take such other steps as may seem necessary to give effect to the recommendations of the commission.

(3) A commission of inquiry shall have power to administer oaths, to enforce the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents, and shall have all such other necessary powers for the purpose of any inquiry conducted by it as are exercised by a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908).

Section 34. Protection of action taken in good faith

No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against the Government, the Central Council or a Board or any committee thereof or any officer or servant of the Government or the Central Council or the Board aforesaid for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.

Section 35. Power to make rules

(1) The Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act.

(2) Every rule made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament while it is in session for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or 1[in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid] both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule.

Section 36. Power to make regulations

2[(1) The Central Council, may, with the previous sanction of the Central Government, 2[by notification in the Official Gazette,] make regulations generally to carry out the purposes of this Act, and, without prejudice to the generally of this power, such regulations may provide for-

(a) the manner of election of the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Central Council;

(b) the management of the property of the Central Council and the maintenance and audit of its accounts;

(c) the resignation of members of the Central Council;

(d) the powers and duties of the President and Vice-President;

(e) the summoning and holding of meetings of the Central Council and the committees thereof, the times and places where such meetings are to be held, and the conduct of business thereat and the number of members necessary to constitute a quorum;

(f) the functions of the committees constituted under section 9 or section 10;

(g) the tenure of office, and the powers and duties of the Registrar and other officers and servants of the Central Council;

“(ga) the form of the scheme, the particulars to be given in such scheme, the manner in which the scheme is to be preferred and the fees payable with the scheme under sub-section (3) of section 13A;

(gb) any other factor under clause (g) of sub-section (8) of section 13A;”.

(h) the appointment, powers, duties and procedure of inspectors and visitors;

(i) the courses and period of study and of practical training to be undertaken, the subjects of examination and the standards of proficiency therein to be obtained, in any University, Board or Medical Institutions for grant of recognised medical qualifications;

(j) the standards of staff, equipment, accomodation, training and other facilities for education in Indian Medicine;

(k) the conduct of professional examinations, qualifications of examiners and the conditions of admissions to such examinations;

(l) the standards of professional conduct and etiquette and code of ethics to be observed by practitioners of Indian Medicine;

(m) the particulars to be stated, and the proof of qualifications to be given in applications for registration under this Act;

(n) the manner in which and the conditions subject to which an appeal under section 27 may be preferred;

(o) the fees to be paid on applications and appeals under this Act; and

(p) any matter for which under this Act provision may be made by regulations.

2[(2) The Central Government shall cause every regulation made under this Act to be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the regulation or both Houses agree that the regulation should not be made, the regulation shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that regulation.]


1. Subs. by Act 20 of 1983; s. 2 and Sch, for certain words (w.e.f. 15-3-1984).

2. S. 36 renumbered as sub-section (1) and in sub-section (1) certain words and sub-section (2) ins. by Act 20 of 1983, s. 2 and Sch. (w.e.f. 15.3.1984).

Schedule 1


1.The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, determine the number of seats allocated in the Central Council to each of the Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani systems of medicine in each State on the following basis, namely:-

(a) Where the number of persons enrolled on a State Register of Indian Medicine for any of such systems exceeds
100 but does not exceed 10000 ………. 1 seat

(b) Where the number of persons enrolled on a State Register of Indian Medicine for any of such systems exceeds
10000 but does not exceed 20000 ………. 2 seats

(c) Where the number of persons enrolled on a State Register of Indian Medicine for any of such systems exceeds
20000 but does not exceed 30000 ……….. 3 seats

(d) Where the number of persons enrolled on a State Register of Indian Medicine for any of such systems exceeds
30000 but does not exceed 40000 ……….. 4 seats

(e) Where the number of persons enrolled on a State Register of Indian medicine for any of such systems exceeds
40000 ……………………………………… 5 seats

2. For every subsequent election to the Central Council under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 3, the Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, determine the number of seats allocated in the Central Council to each of the Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani systems of medicine on the basis laid down in paragraph 1 above.

Schedule 2


(See section 14)

Recognized medical qualifications in Indian medicine granted by Universities, Boards or other medical institutions in India

S.No. 5.Name of University, Board or medical Institution Recognized medical qualification Abbreviation for registration Remarks






Part I – Ayurveda and Siddha

Andhra Pradesh

[Validity Period]96

1. Board of Indian Medicine,  Hyderabad [Ayurved Visharad]96 (Graduate of the College of      Ayurvedic Medicine)


[From 1955 to 1964]96

Graduate of the College of        Integrated Medicine



Ayurved Visharad


[From 1947 to 1955]96

Ayurved Praveen]96 (Bachelor of Ayurvedic      Medicine and Surgery)

B.A.M. & S.

[From 1965 to 1974]96

2. Andhra Ayurveda Parishad
Vijayawada (Examining

Vaidya Vidwan


From 1923 to 1975

3. Shri Venkateswar Ayurved Kalasala, Vijayawada Ayurvedalankara
[(Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine)]96


[From 1944 to 1972]96

Ayurveda-Kala nidhi
Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine


[From 1944 to 1972]96

4. Shri Rangacharya Rammohan Ayurvedic College
Guntur (AP)
Ayurveda Praveen

From 1950 to 1972

6[4A Andhra University Waltair Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


From 1976 to 1977

6[4B Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1977 [to 1992]96

9[4C. Kakatiya University Warangal Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1976 [to 1992]96

9[4D. Osmania University Hyderabad Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


From 1976 [to 1992]96

Doctor of Medicine(Ayurved)

M.D. (Ayurved)

From 1974 [to 1989]96

29[4E SV University, Tirupati Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1988 [to 1992]96

49 [4F University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1992[to 1998]96

Ayurved Vachaspati

MD (Ayurved)

From 1989 [to 1998]96

52[4G NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1998 onwards

    Ayurved Vachaspati

MD (Ayurved)

From 1998 onwards]52’

5. Board of Ayurvedic Medicine, Assam Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


[From 1952 to 1978]96

9[5A. Gauhati University Guwahati Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (Ayurvedacharya)


From 1979 onwards]9

90[Ayurved Vachaspati
(Doctor of Medicine) (Ayurved)

MD (Ayurved)

From 2004 onwards]90

6. State Faculty of Ayurvedic and Unani Medicine, Patna Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


From 1953 [to 2003]96

7. Government Ayurved School, Patna, (Former) Ayurvedacharya


[From 1931 to 1939]96

8. Government Ayurvedic College, Patna, Ayurvedacharya


[Upto 1973]96

9[9. Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University, Darbhanga Pranacharya (B.A.M.S.)10


From 1962 [to 1981]96

Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1981 onwards]9

57[Pracheenacharya (Ayurveda)


From 1962 to 1979]57

41[Vidya Varidhi


From 1974 to 1988]41

3[9A University of Bihar Muzaffarpur Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery


From 1973 to 1981

9 64 [Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1981 to 1991 ]9 64

65[ 9A.1 Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University Muzaffarpur Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of
Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1992 onwards] 65

58[9B Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 2001 onwards

Ayurved Vachaspati (Kayachikitsa)


From 2001 onwards ]  58

9. Ayurvedic and Unani       Tibbia College, Delhi Ayurvedacharya Dhanwantri


Upto 1958

Bhishgacharya Dhawantri


Upto 1958

Vaidya Dhatri


Upto 1958

10. Board of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, Delhi Administration Ayurvedacharya Dhanwantri
(Bachelor of Indian Medicine and Surgery)


From 1958 to 1963

11. Board of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, Delhi Administration Ayurvedacharya Dhanwantri
(Bachelor of Indian Medicine and Surgery)


From 1958 to 1963

Bhishagacharya Dhanwantri
(Diploma in Indian Medicine and Surgery)


From 1956 to 1960

12. All India Ayurveda Vidyapeeth, Delhi Ayurved-Visharad Ayurved-Bhishak
Prajavaidya Pariksha


From 1912 to 1990
From 1914 to 1985
From 1952 to 1992
From 1954 to 1955
From 1951 to 1990
From 1915 to 1992]96
From 1974 to [1990]96

13. Banwarilal Ayurvedic Vidyalaya, Delhi Vaid-raj


Up to 1958


Upto 1958


Upto 1958

14. Examining Body, Ayurvedic & Unani Systems of Medicine, Delhi. Ayurvedacharya Dhanwantri(Bachelor in Indian Medicine & Surgery)


From 1963 [to 1980]96

23[Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1978 [to 1992]96

25[Ayurvedacharya (Ayurvedic Bachelor of Indian Medicine & Surgery)


From 1975 to 1978

9[14A Delhi University, Delhi Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


From 1979 onwards]9

14[14B Sanatan Dharam Premgiri Ayurvedic
College (Lahore)


From 1951 to 1957]14

55[14C Goa University Ayurvedacharya(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 1998 onwards]55

15. University of Gujarat Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery.


9[From 1961 to 1968]

16. MS University, Baroda Ayurved-Visharad


9[Upto 1953]

17. Faculty of Ayurvedic& Unani Systems of Medicine,Gujarat Graduate of the Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine.


[From 1961 to 1965]96

18. The Committee for Suddha Ayurvedic Course, Gujarat, Ahmedabad Ayurveda Pravina


[From 1958 to 1963]96

19. Board of Indian Medicine,



[From 1954 to 1960]96

20.Post-graduate Training Centre in Ayurveda JamnagarHigher Proficiency in Ayurveda


[From 1958 to 1967]96

21.Sarvanamasa Dakshina Pariksha Samiti, BarodaAyurvedauttama


[Upto 1980]96

Ayurveda Madhyama


[Upto 1980]96

22.Rajkeeya Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, BarodaAyurveda-Visharad


[From 1920 to 1953]96


23. UP Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Patan (Baroda State) Grihit Ayurveda Shastra (Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine)


[From 1923 to 1942]96

Grihit Ayurveda Shastra


Upto 1942

24. Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar Ayurvedacharya


9[From 1968 to 1982]



9[Upto July, 1974]

1[Doctor of Philosophy(Ayurved)

Ph.D.        (Ayurved)

From 1977 onwards]1

9[Doctor of Medicine

  M.D. (Ayurveda)

From 1973 onwards

Doctor of Literature (Ayurveda)



Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)



24A. Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra 10[Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic  Medicine and Surgery)


From 1982 onwards

24B Maharshi Dayanand University,  Rohtak 18[Ayurvedacharya
18(Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)18


From 1977 to 1983

(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 1982 onwards]9

21[24B.B Haryana State Faculty of Ayurvedic & Unani Systems
of Medicine, Chandigarh
(Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1971 to 1976

24C Himachal Pradesh University,       Simla Graduate of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery


[Degree obtained by passing exami- nation upto 1986 only]24



[Degree obtained by Passing examination
upto 1986 only]26

Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


[from 1986

98 [Ayurved Vachaspati


From 2001

Ayurved Dhanwantri



From 2001

25. Jammu & Kashmir University Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery BAMS Awarded [upto 1968]96
81[25.A University of Jammu Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine  & Surgery) BAMS [from 2006 Onwards]81
    101[” Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine  and Surgery) B.A.M.S From 1969 to 1981 to the Students of Government Ayurvedic College, Jammu.”]101
25.A 75[Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelore of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery]74


From 2000 onwards

26. University of Kerala Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine


9[From 1958 to 1979]

    Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine


(substituted ibid) Till 1962

9[Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery


From 1979 onwards

Doctor of Medicine


From 1976 onwards]9

89[Siddha Maruthuva Arignar
(Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery)


From 2008 onwards]89

27. Government of Travancore- Cochin Vaidyakalanidhi


[Upto 1947]96

28. Government  Ayurveda College, Tripunithura (Kerala) Shastra-Bhoosana Ayurveda


[From 1962 to 1965]96

29. Cochin Government Vaidyabhoosanam


[From 1947 to 1968]96

30. Tranvancore-Cochin     Government Ayurveda-Bhoosanam


[From 1930 to 1955]96

31. Travancore Government Netra Vaidya Visharad
Vaidya Kalanidhi


[Upto 1945]96

32. Kerala Government Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine


[From 1963 to 1975]96

33. Travancore Government Vaidya-Shastri Marma Vaidya Visharad


[Upto 1945
Upto 1945]96

34. Keraleeya-Ayurveda Mahapatsala, Shoranur, Kerala Vaidyapadan


[From 1950 to 1967]96

35. Cochin Government “The Certificate Visha Vaidya   Training”


[Upto 1973]96

36. Madhava Memorial Ayurvedic College, Cannanore, Kerala Vaidyavibhoosanam


Upto 1963

37. Madhav Ayurveda College , Ernakulam Ayurved Shastri


From 1953 to 1957



Upto 1957

38. Ayurvedic College, Kottakal ,    Kerala Arya Vaidyan


[From 1921 to 1963]96

39. Arya Vaidya Patsala, Kottakal Arya Vaidya, Diploma


[From 1921 to 1963]96

40. Government Ayurvedic College, Tripunithura Ayurveda-Sastra-Bhushan


[From 1962 to 1965]96

41. Board of Public Examinations, Cochin Ayurveda Bhoosanam


[Upto 1947]96

42. Travancore Government Diploma in Indigenous Medicine


[Upto 1973]96

Visha Vaidya Visarad


[Upto 1973]96

43. Tranvancore Siddha Vaidya Sangham, Munchira Diploma or Certificate in Siddha Medicine


May 1947

9[43A.1 University of Calicut, Calicut Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine


From 1977 [to 1983]96

38[43.A.2 Calicut University Calicut Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayuvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1985 onwards]38

43.B. Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayuvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1988 onwards]79

44. Jivaji Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior 76[Bachelor of Ayurved with Modern Medicine and Surgery


From 1965 to 1983]76

(Bachelor of Ayuvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1984 onwards}76

31[Doctor of Medicine (Ayurveda)
(Dosh Dhatu Mal Vigyan)


From 1982 to 1987]76

Doctor of Medicine (Ayurveda) (Sharirkriya Vigyan)

MD (Ay.)

From 1985 to 1987]31 76

76[Ayurved Vachaspati
(Kriya Sharir)
Doctor of Medicine (Ayurveda)]76

MD (Ay.)

From 1989 onwards

45. Indore Vishwavidyalaya, Indore Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery


From 1965 to 1982

43[45.A Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalya, Indore Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1983 onwards]43

46. Vikram Vishwavidyalaya,
Bachelor of Ayurved with Modern Medicine and Surgery


From 1969 to (1982)96

97[ Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1987

Ayurved Vachaspati (Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine)

M. D.

From 2004

47. From 2004
Ayurvedacharya Bachelor of Ayurved with Modern Medicine and Surgery


From 1965 to 1982

(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


from 1983 to 1991

Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine)


From 1977 to 1978

{Doctor of Medicine (Ayurved)


From 1979 to 1981

{Ayurved Vachaspati – MD
{(Ayurved) (Kayachikitsa)


From 1982 to 1992”

47A. Pt. Ravishanker Shukla University, Raipur Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 1992 to 2000

Ayurved Vachaspati MD (Ay.) (Kayachikitsa)


From 1993 to 2000

48. Board of Indian Medicine, Madhya Pradesh (Madhya
Bharat Region), Gwalior


From 1957 [to 1974]96

49. Mahakoshal Ayurvedic Board, Jabalpur Bhishgawara


[From 1954 to 1973]96

50. Board of Indian Medicine Madhya Pradesh (Madhya Bharat Region), Gwalior Ayurved -Vigyanacharya


From 1958 [to 1970]96

51. Government Ayurvedic Vidyalaya, Gwalior (Ayurvedic Examination, Gwalior State) Vaidyashastri


From 1916 [to 1954]96



Upto 1954

Hindi Vaidya Prariksha


Now ceased

Ayurved Shastri


Now ceased

52. Ashtang Ayurveda Vidyalaya, Ujjain Vaidyavachaspati


Upto 1.5.1956

53. Board of Indian Medicine , Gwalior Sahayak-Vaidya


From 1954 and ceased afterwards

12[53A Madhya Pradesh Board of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine and Naturopathy, Bhopal Licentiate Ayurvedic     Practitioner


From 1971 to 1973

Ayurvedic Vigyanacharya        (Ayurveda Vigyanacharya with Modern Medicine and   Surgery)


29[From 1969 to 1970]29
& from 1971 to 1976
& from 1978 to 1984



From 1971 to 1974]12

54. University of Saugor, Saugor 9[Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery


From 1964 [to 1982]96

55. Nagpur University, Nagpur Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


From 1964 [to 1976]96

9[Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1980 [to 2003]96

49[Ayurved Vachaspati

MD (Ay.)

From 1988 [to 2004]96

Agadtantra Vyavharayurved Nishant

DTFAM  (Ayurveda)

From 1988 [to 1996]96

56. 9[University of Poona, Pune Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery


From 1957 to 1976]

10[Bachelor of Surgery & Ayurvedic Medicine


From 1976 to 1979]9

(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1978 [to 2003]96

73[Ayurved Vachaspati

MD (Ay.)

From 1984 [to 2004]96

73[Ayurved Vachaspati

MS (Ay.)

From 1984 [to  2004]96

57. Vidarbha Board of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, Maharashtra Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


[From 1955 to 1961]96

58. Faculty of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, Maharashtra Ayurveda Visharad


[From 1962 to 1966]96

59. Committee of Shuddha Ayurvedic Course , Maharashtra Ayurveda Praveena


[From 1958 to 1960]96

60. Faculty of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, Bombay Graduate of the Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine


[From 1961 to 1972]96

Member of the Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine


[From 1967 to 1981]96



[From 1942 to 1959]96

1[Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery


From 1975 [to 1981]96

20[Fellow of the Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine


27[Upto 1984)

61. Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeetha, Poona Ayurveda Visharad


Before 1944

Ayurvidya Parangat


From 1942 to 1988]60

 62. Aryangal Mahavidyalaya, Satara Ayurveda Visharad


Before 1942

63. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya,
Ayurved Teerth


Before 1942

9[63A. Shivaji University, Kolhapur (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1975 to 1982]10

10[Bachelor of Shuddha Ayurvedic Medicine


From 1977 to 1982]10

9[Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1978 [to 2003]96

9[63B Marathawada University, Aurangabad Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery


From 1971 to 1977

(Bachelor of Shuddha Ayurvedic Medicine)


From 1976 to 1979

Ayurvedacharya(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1980 [to 1994]95

63C University of Bombay, Bombay Amrawati University, Amravati


From 1976 to 1983

(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1980 [to 1996]96

59[Ayurved Vachaspati
(Doctor of Medicine – Ayurved)


From 1986 [to 1996]96

59[63CA University of Mumbai, Mumbai Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1996 [to 2003]96

Ayurved Vachaspati
(Doctor of Medicine – Ayurved)


From 1996 [to 2004]96

37[63D Amrawati University, Amravati Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1989 [to 2003]96

53[63E North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon Ayurvedacharya(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1977 [to 2003] 96

56[63F Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed University) Pune Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 2000 onwards”]56

63[Ayurved Vachaspati


From 2002 onwards]63 69

67[63G Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 2003 onwards]67

92[63H Swamy Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1999 to 2005

Ayurved Vachaspati
(Doctor of Medicine Ayurved)

MD (Ayurved)

From 1998 to 2006

Ayurved Vachaspati
(Doctor of Surgery Ayurved)

MS (Ayurved)

From 1998 to 2006]92

95[63 I. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)

Ayurved Vachaspati Doctor of Medicine (Ayurved)





From 1995 to 2005


From 1995 to 2008]95


105[63]Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil University, Nerul, Navi MumbaiAyurvedacharya
( Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

From 2009 Onwards upto December 2011:- If granted to the Students who have Passed out and Completed their Internship during This period from The following College, namely:-

Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved and Research Institute, Nerul, Navi Mumbai]105

36[KARNATAKA]3664.Board of Studies in Indian Medicine, Mysore, BangaloreGraduate Course of Indian Medicine


From 1964 [to 1974]96

65.Board of Studies in Indian Medicine, Mysore State, BangaloreAyurveda-Praveena


From 1958 [to 1970]96

66.Government Ayurvedic and Unani College, MysoreAyurveda-Vidwat (Licentiate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 1928 to 1953

 67.Board of Studies in Indian Medicine, Mysore State, BangaloreAyurveda-Vidwat (Licentiate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 1958 [to 1962]96

68.Central Board of Indian
Medicine, MysoreAyurveda-Vidwat (Licentiate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 1953 to 1958

69.Taranath Ayurveda
Vidyapeeth, BellaryAyurved-Vidwat (Licentiate in Ayurvedic Medicine
and Surgery)


From 1953 to 1958

Vaidya Praveena


Upto 1952

70.Committee or Authority ofthe Mysore Maharaja’s
Sanskrit College (Ayurvedic Section), MysoreAyurveda-Vidwat


Before 1909

71.The Committee or Authority of the Government Ayurvedic College, MysoreAyurveda-Vidwat


From 1909 to 1928

72.Karnataka Ayurveda
Vidyapeetha, BelgaumBhishagwar


[Upto 1973]96

73.Prema Vidyapeetha,


[Upto 1973]96

Ayurveda Shiromani


[Upto 1973] 96



[From 1937 to 1962]96



[Upto 1973]96

74.Government Ayurvedic
School, Mysore



[Upto 1973]96

 75.Government Ayurvedic School and College, MysoreLicentiate of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


[From 1931 to 1957]96

76.Board of Studies in Indian Medicine, Mysore State,  BangaloreDiploma in Ayurvedic Medicine


From 1964 [to 1971]96

77.University of Mysore, MysoreBachelor of the System of Ayurvedic  Medicine


9[From 1967 to 1982]9

84[Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1975 to 1996]

[Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine


From 1975 to 1996]84

[Ayurved Vachaspati Doctor of Medicine in Ayurveda

MD            (Ayurveda)

From 1979 to 2000]84

78.28[Bangalore University, BangaloreBachelor of the System of Ayurvedic Medicine


From 1967 [to 1982]96

Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine &


Upto 1987

28Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine &


30[From 1987 [to 2002]96

70[Ayurved Vachaspati


From 1977 to 1998]70

79.Karnatak University, DharwarBachelor of the System of Ayurvedic Medicine


From 1969 [to 1983]96

21[Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine &


From 1984 [to 2002]96

18[79AMangalore University
MangaloreMangalore University


36[From 1985 [to 2002]96

 18[79AMangalore University
MangaloreAyurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


36[From 1985 [to 2002]96

29[79BGulbarga University,
Gulbarga[Bachelor of System of Ayurvedic Medicine


From 1973 to 1983]29

[Bachelor of System of Ayurvedic Medicine


From 1983 [to 2002]96

50[79CKuvempu University
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic  Medicine & Surgery)


From 1995 to 2002]50

64[79DRajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, BangaloreAyurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic  Medicine & Surgery)


From 2002 onwards

Ayurved Vachaspati


From 1999 onwards

Ayurved Vachaspati

MS (Ay.)

From 1999 onwards] 64

ORISSA 80.Ayurvedic Examination Board, OrissaDiploma in Ayurvedic
Medicine & Surgery


From 1953 to 1962

81.Orissa Association of Sanskrit Learning and Culture, PuriAyurveda Shastri


From 1933 [to 1981]96



From 1933 [to 1981]96

82.State Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine, OrissaAyurvedacharya


From 1969 [to 1974]96

9[82AUtkal University,
BhubaneshwarBachelor in Ayurvedic
Medicine & Surgery


From 1974 onwards]9

36[Ayurved Vachaspati


From 1981 to 1989]36

 9[82BSambalpur University,
Burla, SambalpurAyurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine &


From 1980 onwards]9

28[82CBerhampur University,
BerhampurAyurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine &


From 1983 onwards]28

72[82DShri Jagannath Sanskrit
Vishwavidyalaya,PuriShastri in Ayurveda


From 1982 to 1986

Shastri in Ayurveda


From 1982 to 1986]72

83[82ENorth Orissa University, BaripadaAyurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 2003 onwards]83

PUNJAB83.21[Punjab State Faculty of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems
of Medicine, ChandigarhAyurvedacharya (Graduate of
Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1960 to 1982]21

(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


Batches upto 1986-87]27

84.14[Sanatan Dharam Premgiri Ayurvedic College,(Lahore) Bhiwani/Jind/ KurukshetraAyurvedacharya Kaviraj


Upto 1957 From 1950 to 1956]14

85.DAV Managing Committee


[From 1951 to 1964]96

86.Vedic and Unani Tibbia  College, AmritsarVaid Kaviraj


Upto 1947

Vaid Rattan


Upto 1947

21[Vaidya Shastri

Upto 1947]21

87.Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbi College, AmritsarVachaspati


[Upto 1973]96

88.Government Ayurvedic Vidyalaya (College), PatialaVaidya


Upto 1956

Vaidya Visharad


Upto 1956

Vaidya Shastri


Upto 1956



7[From 1912 to 1961]7

 9[88AGurunanak Dev
University, AmritsarAyurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine &


68[From 1982 to 1999]68

88B.Punjabi University, PatialaAyurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1976 to 1999]68

Ayurveda Vachaspati

MD (Ay.)

From 1973 to 1999]68

51[88CPunjab University,           ChandigarhAyurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1992 onwards]51

88 DBaba Farid University of Health Sciences, FaridkotAyurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1999 onwards]68

Ayurveda Vachaspati

MD (Ay.)

From 2000 onwards]68

RAJASTHAN89.Rajasthan Ayurved
Vibhagiya Pariksha Mandal, AjmerBhishagwara


From 1962 [to 1975]96



From 1962 [to 1976]96

90.Rajputana Ayurvedic & Unani Tibbi College, JaipurBhishagacharya Shiromani


From 1951 [to 1973]96

Bhishagaratna Shastri


From 1951 [to 1973]96

91.Government Ayurvedic
College, JaipurBhishak


[Upto 1973]96



[Upto 1973]96



[Upto 1973]96

9[91A.Rajasthan University,
JaipurAyruvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine  &


From 1980 [to 2009]96



From 1972 to 1980

  Ayurved Brihaspati


From 1972 to 1982



From 1981 to 1984

Ayurved Vachaspati

MD (Ay.)

From 1976 [to 2007]96

92.Maharaja College of Ayurved, JaipurShastra-Acharya


[Upto 1973]96

92.A36[Shiksha Vibhagiya
Parikshayen Jaipur State, Rajasthan Sarkar, JaipurAyurved Shastri


From 1872 to 1968



From 1874 to 1970



From 1936 to 1968



From 1938 to 1970]36

91[92BRajasthan Ayurved University, JodhpurAyruvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine  &


From 2009 onwards

Ayurved Vachaspati

MD (Ayurved)

From 2007 onwards

Ayurved Dhanwantry

MS (Ayurved)

From 2007 onwards]91

Tamil Nadu93.Government College of Indian/Indigenous/ Integrated
Medicine, MadrasMadras Ayurved College, Madras


From 1947 to 1960

Licentiate in Indian/Indigenous/
Integrated Medicine


From 1924 to 1948

94.Madras Ayurved College, MadrasAyurveda Bhushan


[From 1913 to 1932]96

Ayurveda Bhishagawara

[From 1913 to 1932]96

 95.Venkataramana Ayurvedic College, Mylapore, Madras[Vaidya Visharada]


[From 1909 to 1962]96

96.Board of Examiners in Indian/ Indigenous/Integrated Medicine, MadrasHigher Proficiency in Indian/ Indigenous/ Integrated Medicine


Upto 1955

97.University of Madras, MadrasAyurveda-Shiromani

9[From 1930 to 1977]9

Bachelor of Indian Medicine (Siddha)


9[From 1965 to 1970]9

29[Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine &


From 1986 [to 1994]96

98.9[Madurai Kamraj University, MaduraiBachelore of Indian Medicine (Siddha)


From 1971 [to 1982]96

Doctor of Medicine (Siddha)

MD (Siddha)

From 1975 [to 1992]96

Bachelor of Siddha Medicine & Surgery


From 1982 [to 1994]96

98A36[Bharthiar University,
CoimbatoreAyurvedacharya (Bachelor of
Ayurvedic Medicne & Surgery)


From 1989 to 1993

48[98BDr. MGR Medical
University, Chennai
(Tamilnadu)Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of
Ayurvedic Medicne & Surgery)


From 1994 onwards

Siddha Maruthuva Arignar
(Bachelor of Siddha Medicine & Surgery)


From 1994 onwards

Siddha Maruthuva Perarignar (Doctor of Medicine in Siddha)


From 1992 onwards]48

 61[98CShri Chandrashekhendra
Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchipuram
(Deemed University)Ayurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 2001 onwards]61

87[98C(i)Travancore Siddha
Vaidya Sangham,
MunchiraiDiploma or Certificate
in Siddha Medicine


From 1947 [to 1995]96

100[98C (ii)Amrita Vishwa
University, CoimbatoreAyurvedacharya
( Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 2010

UTTARANCHAL80[98DHemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, SrinagarAyurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 2005 onwards

Ayurved Vachaspati
(Doctor of Medicine
in Ayurveda)


From 2002 onwards]80

UTTAR PRADESH99.Banaras Hindu University, VaranasiAyurved Shastracharya


From 1925 to 1932

Ayurvedacharya in Medicine
and Surgery


From 1934 to 1953

Ayurvedacharya with Modern Medicine and Surgery


From 1934 to 1953

Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine

D. Ay. M.

9[From 1963 to 1977]

Ayurvedacharya, (Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery)


From 1954 to 1967

9[Doctor of Medicine(Ayurved)


From 1977 onwards]9

(Bachelor of Ayurvedic
Medicine & Surgery)


From 2005 onwards]78

100.Lucknow University,
LucknowBachelor of Ayurveda with Modern Medicine and Surgery


From 1960 [to 1965]96

9[Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medciine & Surgery)


From 1982 onwards

Doctor of Medicine (Ayurveda)

MD (Ay.)

From 1974 onwards]

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery


From 1955 to 1964

101.Ayurvedic College, Gurukul University, Kangri (Hardwar)Ayurveda Alankara

From 1926 to 1956

Ayurveda Vachaspati

[Upto 1956]96

102.Gurukul Vidyalaya VrindabanAyurved Shiromani

From 1916 to 1967

Ayurveda Bhusan

From 1944 to 1967

103.Rishikul Ayurvedic College, HardwarAyurved Visharad

Upto 1945

Vaidya Visharad

Upto 1945

Vaidya Shastri

Upto 1945

Ayurved Shastri

Upto 1945


Upto 1945

104.Lalit Hari Ayurvedic
College, PilibhitVaid Bhushan

Upto 1944

Vaid Raj

Upto 1944

105.Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, PrayagVaidya Visharad

From 1931 to 1967

Ayurved Ratna

From 1931 to 1967

106.Jawalapur Mahavidyalaya, HardwarAyurved Bhashkar
(Jawalapur Centre only)

From 1950 to 1967

107.Board of Indian Medicine Uttar Pradesh, LucknowDiploma in Indigenious Medicine


From 1932 to 1944

Diploma in Indigenous Medicine and Surgery


From 1943 to 1946

  Bachelor of Indian Medicine and Surgery


From 1947 to 1956

Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Medicine and  Surgery)


From 1957 to 1966

Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of
Ayurved with Medicine and Surgery)


From 1959 [to 1971]96

9[107A.Kanpur University,
(Bachelor of Ayureda with Modern Medicine & Surgery)


From 1972 to 1982

Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1983 to 1995]18

Ayurved Vachaspati

MD (Ay.)

From 1991 to 1995]18

9[107BSampurnanand Sanskrit University, VaranasiAyurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayuredic Medicine &  Surgery)


From 1970 onwards]9

82[107 CShri Shahuji Maharaj
University, KanpurAyurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1995 to 1997

Ayurved Vachaspati

MD (Ay.)

From 1995 to 1997]82

82[107 DChhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, KanpurAyurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery)


From 1997 onwards

Ayurved Vachaspati

MD (Ay.)

From 1997 onwards]82

 WEST BENGAL108.Shyamadas Vaidya
Shastrapith Parishad,
CalcuttaVaidya Shastri

From 1926 to 1940

109.Jamini Bhushan Ashtanga
Ayurved Vidyalaya, CalcuttaBhishagacharya (Master in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 1930 to 1940

110.Jamini Bhushan Ashtanga
Ayurved Vidyalaya, CalcuttaBhishagaratna (Licentiate in
Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 1920 to 1940

111.General Councill and State Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine,
West Bengal (now Paschim Bengal Ayurveda Parishad),
CalcuttaVaidya Shiromani (Member
of the Ayurvedic State Faculty)


From 1940 to 1949


From 1940 to 1945

Vaidyabhushan (Licentiate,
Ayurvedic State Faculty)


From 1939 to 1950

Ayurvedatirtha (Member of
the Ayurvedic State Faculty)


From 1947 [to 1978]96

Ayurvedatirtha (Ayurvedic  State Faculty)


From 1946 [to 1978]96



[Upto 1973]96

21[Diploma in Ayurvedic  Medicine & Surgery


From 1979 to 1983

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery


From 1979 to 1984]21

112.Ayurvidya Pratishthan,

From 1930 to 1940


From 1930 to 1940

 113.Ganga Charan Ayurved
Vidyalaya, CalcuttaAyurvedshastri

From 1928 to 1940


From 1928 to 1940

114.Maharaja Cossimbazar
Gobindasundari Ayurvedic
College, CalcuttaAyurvedashastri (Bachelor in
Ayurvedic Medicine


From 1927 to 1940

Ayurvedacharya (Master of
Ayurvedic Medicine) Doctor


From 1927 to 1940

115.Vishwanath Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya, CalcuttaBhishagaratna (Diploma in
Ayurvedic Medicine and


From 1932 to 1940

Vaidyashiromani (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


From 1932 to 1940

(Master of Ayurvedic
Medicine and Surgery)


From 1932 to 1940

116.16[University of Calcutta
CalcuttaAyurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine &


From 1932 to 1940

63[Ayurved Vachaspati

M.D. (Ayurved)

From 1982 onwards]16

103[117West Bengal University of Health Sciences, KolkataAyurvedacharya
(Bachelor of Ayuredic Medicine and Surgery)


From December,
2010 to December 2011

If granted to the Students who Study in the Following colleges, Namely :-

(i) J.B.ROY State Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, 170-172, Raja Dinendra Street, Kolkata- 700004 West Bengal

(ii) Belley- Sankarpur Rajib Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic College And Hospital, Post Kushdanga, Distt. North 24- Parganas, Near Railway Station, Kankinara-743126, West Bengal]103


ANDHRA PRADESH1.4[Sri Venkateswara University TirupathiTabib-e-Kamil

From 1957 to 1982]4

(Bachelor of Unani Medicine
& Surgery)


From 1985 [to 1992]96

 2.Nizamia Tibbi College,
HyderabadBachelor of Unani Medicine
and Surgery


[Upto 1973]96


[Upto 1973]96

Graduate of the College of
Unani Medicine


[Upto 1973]96

2A.9[Board of Indian Medicine, HyderabadKamil-e-Tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Medicine and Unani Surgery)


10[From 1965 to 1975]10

2B.9[Osmania University,
HyderabadBachelor of Unani Medicine
& Surgery


10[From 1976 [to 1982]96

(Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1982 [to 1992]96

Doctor in Unani Medicine


From 1976 [to 1989]96

2C.48[University of Health Sciences,
(Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1992 [to 1998]96


MD (Unani)

From 1989 [to 1998]96

2D.52[NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, (Andhra Pradesh)Kamil-e-tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Unani
Medicine & Surgery)


From 1998 onwards


MD (Unani)

From 1998 onwards]52

BIHAR3.State Faculty of Ayurvedic and Unani System of Medicine, Patna, BiharGraduate in Unani Medicine
and Surgery


From 1953 [to 1975]96

3A9[71 University of Bihar,
MuzaffarpurGraduate in Unani Medicine
and Surgery


From 1973 to 1982]71

(Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1982 to 1991]71

 3B71[Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, MuzaffarpurKamil-e-Tib-o-Jarahat (Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1992 onwards]71

DELHI4.Board of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, DelhiFazil-e-Tib-o-Jarahat (Bachelor in Indian Medicine and Surgery)


From 1958 to 1963

(Diploma in Indian Medicine and Surgery)


From 1956 to 1963

5.Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia  College, DelhiFazil-e-tib-o-Jarahat


Upto 1958



Upto 1958

6.Jamia Tibbia, DelhiAkmal-ul-Hukma

Upto 1958


Upto 1958

7.Examining Body, Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of DelhiFazil-e-Tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor in Indian Medicine and Surgery)


From 1963 [to 1982]96

7A9[Delhi University, DelhiBachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery


From 1979 onwards]9

7B39[Jamia Hamdard
(Deemed University)
New DelhiKamil-e-tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery)


  From 1995 to 1996]39
45[From 1996 onwards]45



From 1997 onward]88

JAMMU & KASHMIR8.Jammu and Kashmir UniversityBachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery


From 1966 [to 1968]96

8A9[Kashmir University,
SrinagarBachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery


From 1969 [to 1983]96

 MADHYA PRADESH9.Asipha Tibbia College, BhopalHakim-Kamil

[Upto 1973


Upto 1973]96

9A.4[University of Sagar, SagarBachelor of Unani Medicine
and Surgery


From 1973 [to 1982]96

9B.Mahakoshal Board of
Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, JodhpurBachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery


From 1966 to 1970

9C.Madhya Pradesh Board of Ayurvedic & Unani Systems of Medicine and Naturopathy, BhopalBachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery


From 1971 to 1974]4

9D.32[Doctor Harisingh Gour
Vishwavidyalaya, SagarKamil-e-tib-o-Jarahat (Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1983 onwards]32

9E.48[Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, IndoreKamil-e-tib-o-Jarahat(Bachelor of Unani Medicine) and Surgery)


From 1996 onwards]48

9F.86[Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal86[Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal


From 2007 onwards]86

MAHARASHTRA10.Faculty of Ayurvedic and
Unani Systems of Medicine,


[From 1948 to 1953]96

11.Board of Examiners in UnaniMahir-e-Tibb-o-Jarahat


From 1942 to 1943

11A.1[Maharashtra Faculty of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, BombayDiploma in Unani Medicine & Surgery


From 1973 [to 1982]96

 11B.15[University of Bombay, BombayKamil-e-Tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Unani Medicine) & Surgery)


From 1984 [to 2003]96

11C.33[Poona University, PuneKamil-e-Tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Unani      Medicine & Surgery)


From 1988 [to 2003]96

11D.58[Nagpur University,
(Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)
Medicine & Surgery)


From 1996 [to 2003]96

11E.67[Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, NashikKamil-e-tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 2003 onwards]67

KARNATAKA12.Board of Studies in Indian Medicine, Mysore, BangaloreTabib-e-Hasaq (Licentiate in Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1958 [to 1963]96

13.Government Ayurvedic and Unani College (College of
Indian Medicine), MysoreTabib-e-Hasaq (Licentiate in
Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1928 to 1953

14.Central Board of Indian Medicine, Mysore, BangaloreTabib-e-Hasaq (Licentiate in Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1953 to 1958

15.Government Ayurvedic School,


[Upto 1973] 96

15A.9[Bangalore University, BangaloreBachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery


From 1977 [to 2002]96

15B.63[Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, BangaloreKamil-e-tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Unani
Medicine & Surgery)


From 2002 onwards] 63

(Doctor of Medicine)
(Master of Surgery



“107[ From 2008 upto
December 2011-if
Granted to the
Students who have Passed out during this period from
The following
College, namely:-
National Institute
Of Unani Medicine,
Kottige Palya
Magadi Main Road,


16. Government College of Indian/ Indigenous/
Integrated  Medicine, Madras
Licentiate in Indian Indigenous/ Integrated /Medicine


[From 1930 to 1962]96

Graduate of the College of Indian/ Indigenous/ Integrated   Medicine


[From 1952 to 1963]96

17. Board of Examiners in Indian/ Indigenous/ Integrated Medicine Higher Proficiency in Indian/Indigenous/ Integrated Medicine


[From 1958 to 1959]96

17A. 9[University of Madras, Madras Kamil-e-tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1979 [to 1994]96

17B. 48[Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai Kamil-e-tib-o-Jarahat (Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1994 onwards]48

18. 13[Bhupinder Tibbi College,  Patiala Haziq-ul-Hukma


From 1927 to 1950



From 1927 to 1950



From 1936 to 1950] 13

19. Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbi College, Amritsar Kamil-ul-Tibbi


Upto 1947

Vedic and Unani Tibbi College Amritsar Fazil-ul-Tibbi


Upto 1947



Upto 1947


Upto 1947]21

20. Rajputana Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia College, Jaipur 20[Umde-Tul Hukma

From 1930 to 1980

    Tabib-Fazil     ..

From 1930 to 1981]20

20A. 15[Board of Indian Medicine, Rajasthan, Jaipur Kamil-e-Tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1981 [to 1989]96

 20A. 15[Board of Indian Medicine, Rajasthan, Jaipur Kamil-e-Tib-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 1981 [to 1989]96

20B. 40[University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Kamil-e-tib-o-Jarahat (Bachelor of Unani Medicine  & Surgery)


From 1989 [to 2009]96

21. Muslim University, Aligarh Diploma in Indian Medicine and Surgery


From 1927 to 1943

Diploma in Unani Medicine and Surgery


From 1944 to 1946

Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery


From 1953 [to 1972] 96

Bachelor of Unani Tib and  Surgery


From 1947 to 1952

4[Doctor of Unani Medicine


From 1974 to 1977



From 1978 onwards

Bachelor of Unani Medicine with Modern Medicine and Surgery


From 1972 to 1983]4

(Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery


From 1980 onwards]9

22. Board of Indian Medicine, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Diploma in Indigenous Medicine


From 1932 to 1944

Diploma in Indigenous Medicine and Surgery


From 1943 to 1946

Bachelor of Indian Medicine and Surgery


From 1947 to 1956

Fazil-Ut-Tib (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery)


From 1957 [to 1971]96

22A. 77.[ Kanpur University, Kanpur Fazil-e-Tibb-o-Jarahat
(Bachelor of Unani with Modern Medicine & Surgery)]77


From 1972 to 1994

22B Shri Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur Fazil-e-Tibb-o-Jarahat


From 1995 to 1997] 77

22C Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur


From 1998 to 2001] 77

Kamil-e-Tibb-o-Jarahat (Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery)


From 2002 onwards]77

(Doctor of Medicine)

MD (Unani)

From 2004 onwards]92

23. 4[ Board of Arabic and Persian
Examinations, UP, Allahabad


From 1936 to 1982

24. 95[“Jamia Tibbia”] Darul-Uloom, Deoband, UP Fazil-ut-Tibb


From 1964 to 1984

25. 20[Jamiatun Naqba Unani
Medical School, Allahabad


From 1908 to 1942]20

102[26 The West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata
( W.B.)
( Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery )

B.U.M. S

From 2011

102[27 University of
Calcutta, Kolkata
( Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery)

Bachelor  of  Unani   Medicine and Surgery

From 2002 up to
If granted to the
Students who have
Passed out and completed their
Internship during
This period from
The following
College, namely:-
Calcutta Unani
Medical College
And Hospital, 8/1,
Abdul Halim Lane,

25. 20[Jamiatun Naqba Unani
Medical School, Allahabad


From 1908 to 1942]20



(See section 15)

Quaifications granted by certain medical institutions before 15th August, 1947 in areas which comprised within India as defined in the Government of India Act, 1935.


Name of University, Board or medical Institution Recognized medical qualification Abbreviation for registration







Part I – Ayurveda and Siddha

1. Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Lahore Vaidya Vachaspati


Before 1947

Vaidya Kaviraj


Before 1947

2. Sanatan Dharam Premgiri Ayurvedic College, Lahore Vaidya Shastri


Before 1947

Shri Ayurvedacharya


Before 1947

Shri Vaidya Kaviraj


Before 1947

3. Manmohan Chatuspati, Dacca Ayurvedshastri





Part II – Unani
1 The Islamia College, Lahore Hakim-I-Haziq






2 Tibbia College, Lahore Hasiq-ul-Hukma


Up to 1947



Up to 1947



Up to 1947

Schedule 4


(See Section 16)

Qualifications granted by medical institutions in countries with which there is a scheme of reciprocity.


Name of University, Board or medical Institution Recognized medical qualification Abbreviation for registration







Part I – Ayurveda and Siddha

1. Government College of Indigenous Systems of Medicine, Ceylon Diploma in Indigenous
Medicine and Surgery


2. 34[Government College of
Indigenous Medicine
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Diploma in Indigenous
Medicine & Surgery
(Ayurved/Siddha/ Unani)


Upto 1960

Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (Ayurved/Siddha/ Unani)


From 1961 to 1976

3. From 1977 to 1987]34 Diploma in Ayurved Medicine and Surgery
(Ayurvedic & Unani)


From 1977 to 1987]34

34[Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine
& Surgery (Siddha)


From 1977 to 1984]34

35[Bachelor of Ayurvedic
Medicine & Surgery


From 1991 onwards

Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery


From 1991 onwards]35

34[University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (Siddha)


From 1984 to 1987]34

35[Bachelor of Siddha & Surgery


From 1989 onwards]35

NOTE: The Second Schedule and Fourth Schedule to the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (48 of 1970) has been subsequently amended vide:-

S. No. Details
1. SO No.4068 dated the 30th November 1979
2. SO No.2635 dated the 18th September 1980
3. SO No.2323 dated the 20th August 1981
4. SO No.2314 dated the 22nd August 1981
5. SO No.137 dated the 24th December 1981
6. SO No.638 dated the 25th January 1982
7. SO No.7661 dated the 2nd February 1982
8. SO No.973 dated the 20th February 1982
9. SO No.354(E) dated the 6th May 1983
10. SO No.3550 dated the 5th September 1983
11. SO No.804 (E) dated the 11th November 1983
12. SO No.462 (E) dated the 23rd June 1984
13. SO No.1911 dated the 17th April 1985
14. SO No.2745 dated the 29th May 1985
15. SO No.3404 dated the 5th July 1985
16. SO No.4057 dated the 14th August 1985
17. SO No.5603 dated the 2nd December 1985
18. SO No.5671 dated the 5th December 1985
19. SO No.888 dated the 17th February 1986
20. SO No.1832 dated the 16th April 1986
21. SO No.627 dated the 2nd February 1987
22. SO No.760 dated the 25th February 1987
23. SO No.1030 dated the 30th March 1987
24. SO No.1946 dated the 9th July 1987
25. SO No.3186 dated the 30th October 1987
26. SO No.1697 dated the 15th April 1988
27. SO No.1504 dated the 22nd April 1988
28. SO No.1041 dated the 6th April 1989
29. SO No.1910 dated the 21st July 1989
30. SO No.2177 dated the 14th August 1989
31. SO No.2594 the 21st September 1989
32. SO No.969 dated the 29th November 1989
33. SO No.2552 dated the 22nd August 1990
34. SO No.3246 dated the 31st October 1990
35. SO No.2669 dated the 29th August 1991
36. SO No.630 dated the 17th January 1992
37. SO No.1435 dated the 7th May 1992
38. SO No.3110 dated the 11th October 1994
 39. SO No.3375 dated the 18th October 1996
40. SO No.214 dated the 9th January 1997
41. SO No.923(E) dated the 29th December 1997
42. SO No.518 dated the 17th February 1998
43. SO No.170(E) dated the 6th March 1998
44. SO No.1792 dated the 25th June 1998
45. SO No.1793 dated the 28th August 1998
46. SO No.876(E) dated the 25th October 1998
47. SO No.1020(E) dated the 1st December 1998
48. SO No.116(E) dated the 17th February 1999
49. SO No.117(E) dated the 17th February 1999
50. SO No.303(E) dated the 6th May 1999
51. SO No.403(E) dated the 31st May 1999
52. SO No.378(E) dated the 13th April 2000
53. SO No.820(E) dated the 12th September 2000
54. SO No.1008(E) dated the 09th November 2000
55. SO No.116(E) dated the 07th February 2001
56. SO No.486(E) dated the 30th May 2001.
57. SO No.1017(E) dated the 8th October 2001.
58. SO No.1018(E) dated the 8th October 2001.
59. SO No.1019(E) dated the 9th October 2001.
60. SO No.1020(E) dated the 8th October 2001.
61. SO No.516(E) dated the 16th May 2002.
62. SO No.951(E) dated the 4th September 2002.
63. SO No.1166(E) dated the 29th September 2003.
64. SO No.1180(E) dated the 7th October 2003
65. SO No.1181(E) dated the 7th October 2003.
66. SO No.1289(E) dated the 4th November 2003.
67. SO No.131(E) dated the 28th January 2004.
68. SO No.265(E) dated the 24th February 2004.
69. SO No.481(E) dated the 6th April 2004.
70. SO No.534(E) dated the 22nd April 2004.
71. SO No.744(E) dated the 29th June 2004.
72. SO No. 984(E) dated the 2nd September 2004.
73. SO No. 191(E) dated the 8th February 2005.
74. SO No. 1521(E) dated the 20th October, 2005.
75. SO.No.1679 (E) dated the 25th November 2005.
76. SO No.1758 (E) dated the 10th December, 2005.
77. SO No. 540 (E) dated the 13th April, 2006.
78. SO No. 1368 (E) dated the 23rd August, 2006.
79. SO No. 1472 (E) dated the 11th September, 2006.
80. SO No. 1485 (E) dated the 12th September, 2006.
81. SO No. 1809 (E) dated the 20th October , 2006.
82. SO No.2017 (E) dated the 23rd November, 2006.
 83. SO No.33 (E) dated the 11th January 2007.
84. SO No.1135 (E) dated the 6th July 2007.
85. SO No.1175 (E) dated the 10th July 2007.
86. SO No.1700 (E) dated the 27th September, 2007.
87. SO No.2185 (E) dated the 8th September, 2008.
88. SO No.2261(E) dated the 24th September, 2008
89. SO No.1190(E) dated the 11th May, 2009
90. SO No.2217 (E) dated the 27th August, 2009
91. SO No.2406(E) dated the 7th September, 2009
92. SO No.3001(E) dated the 25th November, 2009
93. SO No.3121(E) dated the 5th December, 2009
94. SO No.1523(E) dated the 14th June, 2010
95. SO No.1517(E) dated the 23rd June, 2010
96. SO No.1532(E) dated the 25th June, 2010
97. SO No. 1605(E) dated, the 2nd July, 2010
98. SO No. 1973(E) dated, the 6th August, 2010
99. SO No. 2477(E) dated, the 8th October, 2010
100. SO No. 2971(E) dated, the 16th December, 2010
101. SO No. 1451(E) dated, the 24th June, 2011
102. SO No. 1604(E) dated, the 6th July, 2011
103. SO No. 1640(E) dated, the 18th July, 2011
104. SO No. 2680(E) dated, the 15th November, 2011
105. SO No. 2717(E) dated, the 28th November, 2011
106. SO No. 42(E) dated, the 2nd January, 2011
107. SO No. 82(E) dated, the 14th January, 2012 (Corrigendum) SO No. 2680(E) dated, the 15th November, 2011


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