Affidavit Formats and Templates: A Complete Resource

Affidavit Formats and Templates: A Complete Resource

Posted In: Affidavit

Posted By: abhishek.ag2000

Tags: Indian Law, marriage, certificate, law, legal, affadavit, attorney, consultancy, lawyers, online contract


Affidavit Formats and Templates: A Complete Resource


Table of Contents:

  2. Essential features of an affidavits
  3. When are affidavit used:
    1. Court Proceedings
    2. Real Estate Transactions
    3. Family Law Matters
    4. Administrative Procedures
    5. Financial Transactions
    6. Change of Name or Correction of Records
    7. Proof of Identity or Residency
    8. Estate Planning and Probate
    9. Business and Corporate Matters
  4. Who is authorised to draft an affidavit
  5. Types of affidavits:
    1. Judicial Affidavit
    2. Non-Judicial Affidavit
    3. Commonly Used Affidavits in India
  6. Commonly used affidavits in India
    1. Affidavit for Name Change
    2. Address Proof Affidavit
    3. Affidavit of Identity
    4. Birth Certificate Affidavit
    5. Marriage Affidavit
    6. Income Certificate Affidavit
    7. Affidavit of Loss
    8. No Objection Certificate (NOC) Affidavit
    9. Affidavit of Unmarried Status
    10. Affidavit of Support
    11. Property Ownership Affidavit
    12. Affidavit for Legal Heir
  7. Who attests an affidavits:
    1. Notary Public
    2. Oath Commissioner
    3. Magistrate
    4. Judge
    5. Registrar or Sub-Registrar
  8. The process of drafting an affidavit
    1. Identify the purpose
    2. Title the affidavit
    3. Personal Details
    4. Statement of facts
    5. Oath or Affirmation
    6. Signature of the Affiant
    7. Attestation by Authorized officers
    8. Notarial seal and certificate
    9. Review and proofread
  9. Example Structure of an affidavit
  10. Punishment for filing a false affidavit
    1. Criminal Charges
    2. Legal Proceedings
    3. Civil Penalties
    4. Loss of Credibility
    5. Professional Consequences
  11. Example Cases and provisions:
    1. Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 191
    2. Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 193
    3. Contempt of Court Act, 1971
  12. Conclusion





An affidavit is a written statement made under oath, in which the person making the statement, known as the affiant, declares that the information provided is true to the best of their knowledge and belief. This document is signed in the presence of a notary public or another official authorized to administer oaths, who then notarizes it to verify its authenticity. The affidavit can subsequently be used as evidence in legal proceedings and other official matters, providing a reliable account of facts without requiring the physical presence of the affiant in court.

The term "affidavit" comes from the Latin word "affidare," which means "to pledge" or "to swear." This origin underscores the affidavit's purpose: a solemn promise of truthfulness. Affidavits have a deep-rooted history in legal traditions worldwide, serving as a means to provide sworn written testimony that courts and administrative bodies can rely upon.

In India, the creation and use of affidavits are governed by several legal provisions, most notably the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, and the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), 1908. The Indian Evidence Act lays down the rules regarding the admissibility of evidence, including affidavits, while the CPC outlines the procedural aspects of how affidavits should be used in civil proceedings. Additionally, the Notaries Act, 1952, and the Oaths Act, 1969, provide guidelines for the notarization and administration of oaths, respectively.

Affidavits are crucial in the Indian legal process. They allow individuals to present facts and statements formally, which is particularly valuable in lengthy or complex legal proceedings. By submitting an affidavit, the affiant contributes a written account that becomes part of the legal record, facilitating the court's ability to make informed decisions based on reliable evidence.

Affidavits are used in a wide range of legal contexts in India, from civil and criminal cases to administrative matters. They can support motions, verify facts, substantiate claims, and provide a written record of testimony. For example, in property disputes, affidavits can help establish ownership or verify transactions, while in family law cases, they might be used to present evidence related to marriage, divorce, or child custody.

The solemn nature of an affidavit comes with significant legal responsibilities. Providing false information in an affidavit constitutes perjury, a serious offense that can lead to criminal charges and penalties. This legal consequence underscores the necessity for affiants to ensure that their statements are accurate and truthful, as the integrity of the legal system relies heavily on the reliability of affidavits to uphold justice and fairness.

Essential features of an affidavit

The essential features of an affidavit are as follows:

  • It must be a written document.

  • The statement must be made by the deponent.

  • The deponent must affirm that the facts stated are true to the best of their knowledge.

  • For validity, the affidavit must be sworn under oath before an authorized officer or magistrate.

  • It is always created by the deponent and cannot be made on behalf of another person.

When are affidavits used

Affidavits are used in a variety of legal and administrative contexts to provide verified written statements. Here are some situations in which affidavits are used:

  1. Court Proceedings:

    • To present evidence or statements without requiring the physical presence of the witness.

    • To support motions, applications, or other court filings.

    • In both civil and criminal cases to substantiate claims or defenses.

  2. Real Estate Transactions:

    • To verify ownership, residency, or the status of property.

    • For closing transactions, such as confirming the absence of liens or other encumbrances on the property.

  3. Family Law Matters:

    • In divorce, child custody, and support cases to provide evidence of income, expenses, and living arrangements.

    • To document agreements or arrangements between parties.

  4. Administrative Procedures:

    • To support applications for government benefits or services, such as social security, immigration, or pensions.

    • For compliance with regulatory requirements in various sectors, such as business licensing or environmental compliance.

  5. Financial Transactions:

    • To verify financial information, such as income, assets, or liabilities, often required by banks or financial institutions.

    • For use in bankruptcy proceedings or debt settlements.

  6. Change of Name or Correction of Records:

    • To officially declare a name change or to correct errors in public records, such as birth or marriage certificates.

  7. Proof of Identity or Residency:

    • To confirm identity or residency status, often required for legal or administrative purposes, such as applying for a passport or driver's license.

  8. Estate Planning and Probate:

    • To attest to the authenticity of wills, trust documents, or to affirm the identity of heirs and beneficiaries.

    • In probate proceedings to validate claims against an estate.

  9. Business and Corporate Matters:

    • To document shareholder or director meetings and resolutions.

    • For compliance with legal or regulatory requirements, such as affirming the accuracy of corporate filings or reports.

Who is authorised to draft an affidavit

Affidavits can be drafted by anyone, provided they meet certain criteria. The individual must be of legal age and possess the capacity to fully understand the contents and implications of the affidavit. This means they must not be mentally incapacitated or otherwise unable to comprehend the significance of the statements made in the affidavit.

In cases where a declarant appears before a court, magistrate, or other relevant authority while wearing a veil, additional steps are necessary to validate the affidavit. Proper identification of the individual is required, along with an affidavit confirming their identity, made by the person identifying them and certified by the appropriate court, magistrate, or official. This process ensures the authenticity and legal validity of the affidavit, safeguarding against potential inaccuracies or misunderstandings.

Types of affidavits:

Judicial Affidavit

Judicial affidavits are written on judicial paper and properly stamped with the appropriate court fees. These affidavits are submitted for various legal purposes, including serving as proof or supporting an application. To be considered valid, a judicial affidavit must be attested by an Oath Commissioner.

Non-Judicial Affidavit

Non-judicial affidavits are written on non-judicial stamp paper, with the value of the stamp paper varying by state, typically starting at Rs. 10/-. These affidavits are generally used in administrative or business contexts. To be valid, a non-judicial affidavit must be attested by a licensed Notary Public. The notary must sign the attestation and include both their seal and a notary stamp, with the details entered in the Notarial Registration Book.

Commonly used affidavits in India

Commonly used affidavits in India include various types tailored to specific legal and administrative needs. Here are some of the most frequently used affidavits:

  1. Affidavit for Name Change:

    • Used when an individual legally changes their name. It serves as a formal declaration of the new name and the reasons for the change.

  2. Address Proof Affidavit:

    • Used to confirm an individual's residential address when other forms of address proof are not available.

  3. Affidavit of Identity:

    • Used to verify the identity of an individual, often required in situations where identity verification is necessary, such as applying for a passport or other official documents.

  4. Birth Certificate Affidavit:

    • Used to declare the details of birth in cases where an official birth certificate is missing or contains errors.

  5. Marriage Affidavit:

    • Used to declare the marital status of an individual, often required for visa applications, government benefits, or legal proceedings.

  6. Income Certificate Affidavit:

    • Used to declare the income of an individual, often required for various government schemes, educational purposes, or financial assistance programs.

  7. Affidavit of Loss:

    • Used to declare the loss of important documents or property, such as a passport, driver's license, or educational certificates.

  8. No Objection Certificate (NOC) Affidavit:

    • Used to state that the affiant has no objection to a particular action or decision, often required in property transactions, employment, or educational admissions.

  9. Affidavit of Unmarried Status:

    • Used to declare that an individual is unmarried, often required for marriage registration, visa applications, or employment purposes.

  10. Affidavit of Support:

    • Used to declare financial support for an individual, commonly required in immigration cases or for educational purposes.

  11. Property Ownership Affidavit:

    • Used to declare ownership of property, often required in real estate transactions, legal disputes, or for obtaining loans.

  12. Affidavit for Legal Heir:

    • Used to declare the legal heirs of a deceased person, often required for inheritance and succession matters.

Who attests an affidavit

The attestation of an affidavit is a crucial step that ensures its validity and authenticity. The following officials are authorized to attest affidavits:

  1. Notary Public:

    • A notary public is a legally authorized individual who can attest affidavits. They verify the identity of the affiant, ensure the affiant understands the contents of the affidavit, and witness the affiant's signature. The notary public then signs, seals, and stamps the affidavit, providing a notarial certificate that validates the document.

  2. Oath Commissioner:

    • An Oath Commissioner, also known as a Commissioner of Oaths, is authorized to administer oaths and affirmations. They are often appointed by the government and have the authority to attest affidavits. The Oath Commissioner ensures that the affidavit is sworn to or affirmed properly and that the affiant’s identity is verified.

  3. Magistrate:

    • A judicial magistrate has the authority to attest affidavits. This is often required for affidavits used in court proceedings or other judicial matters. The magistrate ensures that the affidavit is made voluntarily and that the affiant understands the legal implications of the statements made.

  4. Judge:

    • In some cases, especially in higher judicial matters, a judge may attest affidavits. This is less common but can occur in specific legal contexts requiring judicial oversight.

  5. Registrar or Sub-Registrar:

    • Registrars or Sub-Registrars, particularly those working in legal or property registration offices, can attest affidavits related to property transactions, marriage registrations, and other official records.

The process of drafting an affidavit

Drafting an affidavit involves several key steps to ensure that the document is legally valid and accurately reflects the affiant's statements. Here is a detailed process:

  1. Identify the Purpose:

    • Determine the specific purpose of the affidavit, such as verifying identity, confirming a name change, or providing evidence in a legal matter. This will guide the content and structure of the document.

  2. Title the Affidavit:

    • Begin with a clear and descriptive title that indicates the nature of the affidavit, such as "Affidavit of Identity" or "Affidavit for Property Dispute."

  3. Personal Details:

    • Include the full name, address, age, and occupation of the affiant. This section should clearly identify who is making the statement.

  4. Statement of Facts:

    • Write the body of the affidavit in numbered paragraphs, each addressing a specific fact or piece of information. The affiant should state facts that are within their personal knowledge, using clear and concise language. Avoid hearsay or assumptions.

  5. Oath or Affirmation:

    • Include a statement that the affiant swears or affirms that the information provided is true to the best of their knowledge and belief. This usually reads as: "I, [Affiant's Name], do hereby solemnly swear (or affirm) that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief."

  6. Signature of the Affiant:

    • The affiant must sign the affidavit in the presence of the attesting officer. The signature indicates that the affiant has read and agrees with the contents of the affidavit.

  7. Attestation by Authorized Officer:

    • The affidavit must be attested by a notary public, Oath Commissioner, magistrate, or other authorized official. The attesting officer verifies the identity of the affiant, witnesses the signing of the affidavit, and then signs and stamps the document, adding their official seal and notarial certificate.

  8. Notarial Seal and Certificate:

    • The notary public or other attesting official will place their seal and notarial certificate on the affidavit, indicating that the document has been duly sworn and attested.

  9. Attachments and Exhibits:

    • If necessary, attach any relevant documents or exhibits to the affidavit. These should be clearly referenced in the body of the affidavit and labeled appropriately.

  10. Review and Proofread:

    • Carefully review the entire document to ensure there are no errors or omissions. Proofreading is essential to maintain the affidavit's credibility and legal validity.

Example Structure of an Affidavit


Affidavit of Identity

Affiant’s Details:

I, [Full Name], residing at [Full Address], aged [Age], occupation [Occupation], do hereby solemnly swear and affirm as follows:

Statement of Facts:

  1. I was born on [Date of Birth] in [Place of Birth].

  2. I am currently residing at the address mentioned above.

  3. I have been known by the name [Previous Name], but I legally changed my name to [Current Name] on [Date of Name Change].

  4. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a copy of the legal name change document.

Oath or Affirmation:

I, [Full Name], do hereby solemnly swear (or affirm) that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of the Affiant:


[Affiant's Signature]


Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me on this [Day] day of [Month], [Year], by [Affiant's Name].


[Attesting Officer’s Signature]


[Name and Title of Attesting Officer]

By following these steps, you can ensure that your affidavit is properly drafted, legally valid, and serves its intended purpose effectively.

Punishment for filing a false affidavit

Filing a false affidavit is a serious offense that can lead to significant legal consequences. The punishment for filing a false affidavit varies depending on the jurisdiction and the specifics of the case. Here is a detailed explanation of the potential punishments for filing a false affidavit in India:

  1. Criminal Charges:

    • Filing a false affidavit constitutes perjury under Indian law. Section 191 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) defines perjury as giving false evidence under oath.

    • Section 193 of the IPC prescribes the punishment for perjury, including filing a false affidavit. The punishment can include imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years, and the individual may also be liable to pay a fine.

  2. Legal Proceedings:

    • If it is discovered during legal proceedings that an affidavit contains false statements, the court may initiate contempt of court proceedings against the individual. Contempt of court can lead to additional penalties, including fines and imprisonment.

  3. Civil Penalties:

    • In civil cases, submitting a false affidavit can result in the dismissal of the case or adverse judgments against the party who submitted the false affidavit. The court may also impose costs and damages against the offending party.

  4. Loss of Credibility:

    • Filing a false affidavit can severely damage an individual's credibility and reputation. This can have long-term consequences in both legal and professional contexts, as the individual may be viewed as untrustworthy.

  5. Professional Consequences:

    • For professionals such as lawyers, filing a false affidavit can lead to disciplinary actions by professional bodies, including disbarment or suspension from practice.

Example Cases and Provisions

Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 191:

  • This Act provides Whoever, being legally bound by an oath or by an express provision of law to state the truth, or being bound by law to make a declaration upon any subject, makes any statement which is false, and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, is said to give false evidence.

Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 193:

  • This Act provides Whoever intentionally gives false evidence in any stage of a judicial proceeding, or fabricates false evidence for the purpose of being used in any stage of judicial proceeding, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and also shall be liable to fine.

Contempt of Court Act, 1971:

  • This Act provides for penalties for actions that interfere with or undermine the authority, dignity, and functioning of the judiciary. Filing a false affidavit can be considered contempt of court.

In summary, filing a false affidavit in India can lead to severe legal consequences, including imprisonment, fines, dismissal of legal claims, damage to reputation, and professional disciplinary actions. It is imperative to ensure that all statements made in an affidavit are truthful and accurate to avoid these serious repercussions.













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